Kindness Challenge!

Today is National Random Acts of Kindness Day and we want to celebrate it with you! 

We have a simple challenge for you to help celebrate today and every day! Spreading kindness can be infectious and you never know how much you might impact one's day with a simple random act of kindness. Try out one or all 4 of these random acts of kindness today!

  1. Say hello to people
  2. Give a hug
  3. Give a book to a friend
  4. Smile at someone who needs it

Want to get creative around today? Then download our Kindness Activity sheet! All you have to do is color and cut out your 3 smiley faces. Once you’ve completed 3 acts of kindness, tape your smiley faces on top of the spaces you completed! For added points do this with a friend or two double your kindness!

and remember...KIND IS COOL!